Friday, March 13, 2009

Theology for a Song

Okay, I admit it. I snuck into Praise Team practice this past Wednesday night, and overheard them practicing a song for Sunday. Actually I didn't "sneak in," I just needed to talk to someone who I thought would be working in the sound booth. Turns out he was playing drums, but anyway. . .

The song they were singing is a song called "I Have a Hope." It's by a guy named Tommy Walker. (You can watch him sing it here.) This is a song that speaks to my heart. It's a song that packed full of Scriptural truths about all that God is to his children and does for them. But here's the thing I love about it: when I sing this song against the backdrop of all that's been going on in my life over the past few months, it becomes a reminder to me that, yes, there's the hope of Heaven, the hope that one day all of this will be completely resolved, but there's also the day-by-day hope that God can work things out for good in my life today. That there can be "hope for me today/'cause the God of Heaven loves me." And that's the truth that gets me out of bed every morning (and into bed every night!). That's the truth that makes dealing with the junk in people's lives and in my won life possible. There is ultimate hope, but there's also hope in the here and now.

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