Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sign Me Up!

This week our Sunday School class is starting a new series, designed to look at life in the body of Christ (the church) from the perspective of singles. I'm pretty excited about it, and as I was preparing for this week's lesson, here's the thing that struck me about the church: it's an organization (some would say an organism) that you become a part of when you become a Christian, and yet it calls you to a life of constantly living outside yourself. Being a part of the universal (catholic) church, and especially being part of a local representation of the invisible church, demands that you put others first. It has to, it was founded that way! The very one who founded the church and brought it into being did so by laying aside his glory in Heaven, coming to earth, and then living the next 30-33 years constantly giving up his rights to the point that he gave up his ultimate human right, and was put to death.

It's just amazing to me how I'm so quick to think about church in terms of what I can get out of it. I look for ways, within the body of Christ, to make it all about me. Trouble is, that just doesn't work. That's not how it runs, because that's not how it was set up to run. I'm excited to start this series, because I need to be reminded that the church really is all about Jason. . . it's all about Jason laying down his life and giving up his rights over and over and over again, and then going back for more.

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