Friday, April 3, 2009

Finding Hope

To read the introductory post to this series, please click here.

The question that has come to my mind over and over again this week as I've prayed about the issue of human trafficking is, how do you find hope in the midst of this? When I first thought about doing this "exercise" during the month of April, it seemed so contradictory. I mean, for believers, Easter is supposed to be a happy, joyful occasion, and thinking about and focusing on these issues, has the potential to be very depressing. But, one thing that's become crystal clear to me this week is that this is the perfect time of year to have these things on the forefront of my mind, because they remind me so of why Christ had to come in the first place.

Here's the thing: all of us, were in spiritual slavery, caught up in a system that was trafficking our souls from freedom to bondage, and then from one form of bondage to another. Much like the millions of people who face the reality of some form of physical and emotional slavery each day around the world, all of humanity faced that reality, not just for few years, but for all of eternity. And then, God inserted himself physically into the course of history, and the chance, the potential for freedom appeared.

This gives me great hope as I pray, because if redemption can come for the spiritual condition of mankind, then it can come for the physical and emotional conditions we find ourselves in as well. So, I pray with hope in the same God who has always been in the business of setting the captives free.

1 comment:

Julie A. said...

I desperately needed to hear this today; thank you!