Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just 'Cause

Okay, here's the thing: take a minute, just relax, forget about all the crap that's going on, and do two things today. One, go to, and create your own radio station. This thing is amazing! You type in an artist you like, and then the thing builds a radio station around that artist with other artists who have similair musical qualities. They get an A++ for mixing it up, and finally, finally there's a radio station that plays Jason Miraz one minute and Chris Rice the next. (If you're wondering what's so amazing about that, Chris Rice typically gets played only on "Christian radio" and Jason Miraz on "secular radio," and just typing those terms makes me want to throw up, but anyway that's for another post.)

The other thing you need to do is download Chris Rice's CD What a Heart is Beating For, and listen to "Here Comes Those Eyes." I've never owned a Chris Rice CD, but thanks to Pandora, I heard "Here Comes Those Eyes" (on my "Eric Hutchison" Station), and was hooked! It's 2:29 of pure fun, romance, and I dare you to listen to this song and keep your foot from tapping the floor. I'm on my fourth time through this morning!


Anonymous said...

Excellent tip! I am going to have to look in to both of those! I do love a good foot tapper.

Anonymous said...

I'm a HUGE Pandora fan, I pretty much listen to it every day at work! And thanks for the Chris Rice heads-up, he has always inspired me as having such a deep heart for the Lord and expressing it so honestly through song. Good stuff!

JNoah said...

Todd: I've never really been into Chris Rice, but this CD just was right where I needed to be. I plan on doing a post at some point about the "Gospel of Being Glad."

Hope the boys are good. Tell them I said "hi."