Thursday, February 12, 2009

In the Fire

Have you been reading or keeping up with the wildfires that have killed 180 people in Australia? I gotta be honest, I really haven't been. I've been bouncing around from one thing to the other, too consumed by my own life to be too much concerned with what's happened there. But, this morning, I was thinking about the missionaries and pastors and Christians in Australia, and I was wondering what kinds of doors and opportunities this tragedy is opening up.

See, here's the thing: when something horrific like this happens, it generally causes people who've never thought much about God, to spend a good bit of time with him on their minds, even if what they're thinking isn't that "God is great, God is good," type of things. But when it comes to light, as it has in this case, that humans were "responsible" for the fires, postmodern society really struggles. If everyone's supposed to be basically good and what they do right for them, what do you do with individuals who would start a fire like this that kills a bunch of people and destroys homes, property, and lives that have to be re-built? These are the types of questions that people have at times like these, and sometimes they turn to the church or to Christians to try and find answers. I'm praying that the missionaries and churches are ready to respond. . . not with all the answers, but with the Gospel. I'm praying they'll be there with garbage bags, hammers, saws, and food; arms that can hold, eyes that are wet with tears over the pain, and mouths that are appropriately closed when just being there is what's called for; and I'm also hoping they'll be there with open Bibles, ready to give people the only hope there is when what you believed about human nature is shaken and you're literally standing around in the charred rubble of your life.

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